When you’re commissioning an industrial painting job, you’ll probably have one of two major considerations in mind – protecting and maintaining your structure or equipment, and making it look good. Industrial painting is a sound investment and you want to make sure, when it comes selecting the painting service provider, that you make an informed decision that delivers the best outcome for your business.
That means you want to partner with an industrial painting company with a reputation for reliability, that will take the time to understand what your requirements are and work with you from the start of the project until its completion to deliver a quality painting outcome that meets your expectations.
To help you work out how to choose an industrial painter to partner with for your investment, there are some critical considerations you should take into account:
1. Define the scope of the job
It is absolutely essential that you are clear about the detailed scope for the job required. This is where a top quality painting firm can add the bit of extra value with advice on requirements, any potential challenges, whether there are alternative approaches, developing a project plan, timeline and budget and working to understand your specific needs and requirements to ensure that the final painting job looks good, will last and is delivered on time and in budget. A reliable industrial painting partner will work with you to develop a clear and comprehensive quote based on a detailed understanding of what is required so that you don’t end up with unexpected costs or surprise changes in scope.
2. Consider the depth and breadth of experience of your supplier
Like any investment you make in your business, you want to make sure that the people you’re working with know what they are doing and can provide you with evidence of satisfied customers and quality jobs completed in the past. Ask for recommendations and references and understand what your provider’s areas of speciality expertise are.
3. Understand any legal and standards requirements
Industrial painting, by its nature, requires the use of hazardous liquids and substances in potentially hazardous situations. And if it’s not done properly, it puts your valuable assets at risk.